Friday, September 9, 2016

The Future of Swimming development in Nigeria

The Long Term Athlete Development Model for Swimmers is a well acclaimed strategy that has produced sure-fire results for many nations of the world, Including Singapore. You will recall how one-time little Joseph Schooling of Indonesia met Michael Phelps 8 years before beating him at the Rio Olympics. Click Here to Watch the Race
However, there is conflict in the Nigerian competitive swimming environment where coaches and sports administrators seeks rapid development.
If the LTAD (Long Term Athlete Development) model is not adopted, there is likely to be a stagnation in Nigerian swimmers’ performance which might continue indefinitely.
The over-dependence on government to train and fend for athletes in Nigeria is the major problem that has hindered the results we earnestly desire. Click Here to Watch the Race
To see a Nigerian Swimmer take to the starting blocks of the finals at a Swim race at the Olympics will largely depend on the following group of persons:
1. Parents of the child
2. Nigerian Corporate Sponsor for the child/children
3. Endowment foundations
We have the solution to this problem at the Crawford Swimming World. We can make this dream happen with support from aforementioned groups. The skill set and zeal to bring this dream to fruition has already started.
The question is this…..what are you going to do about it? Click Here to Watch the Race

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